environmental • Industrial • Contracting

Excellence & Knowledge You Can Rely On

Logistical Solutions, LLC is the premier choice for your Environmental, Health and Safety, Industrial, and Contracting Services.

We're Here To Help

Environmental, Health & Safety

Vacuum truck services, hazardous materials emergency response, waste management, safety, and industrial hygiene services.


Industrial cleaning services, vacuum truck services, hydro-blasting and jetting services, and waste management and disposal.

Commitment to

Our trained staff follows a “Hands On” approach to apply safety properly in the field. We'll offer this as a service line to our clients.

Quality Customer Service

Logistical Solutions, LLC (LOSO) provides a wide variety of services including environmental cleanup, hazardous waste disposal, industrial cleaning, vacuum truck services and consulting management.  Whether you have an industrial, government, commercial or a residential project, Logistical Solutions has the skilled staff to fulfill your needs.

Our team combines a passion for excellence with experience and knowledge you can rely on. You can trust our professional customer service to get the job done right the first time. Contact LOSO NOW for a consultation regarding your project and get more information on how we can help you.

We Are Contractors

Design build, tenant improvements, interior design, residential remodeling, consulting management, demolition, hydro-excavation...

Woman Owned & Operated

Logistical Solutions, LLC was founded in 2008 and is a fully certified woman-owned business with headquarters based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Working Hours

Monday to Thursday… 8AM – 6:30PM
Friday… 8AM – 2:00PM

Talk To Us

Phone… (702) 596-2021
Fax… (702) 974-1776

Contact LOSO NOW for a consultation regarding your project and get more information on how we can help you.